Corgi Info Rescue Puppies


Corgis that have been spayed or neutered make excellent pets. Often the spayed or neutered animal is a better pet and companion! My first Corgi, Champion Oldland's Pennywise, CD, was spayed at 10 years of age, and acted sprier and looked better than before she was spayed. This is a practice I not only strongly recommend, but require of all puppies placed as pets. You will not have to worry if your dog gets out whether he or she is going to be the father or mother of another unwanted litter. Spaying also eliminates the heat cycle of a female, which can often be messy around the house. Early spaying has also helped to lessen the chance of a female Corgi having breast cancer as she ages.

A neutered male acts no differently from an unneutered male in personality and charm. It may make him slightly less aggressive, if he exhibited an overly macho personality before neutering. It also helps to keep down the male habit of occasionally marking in the house. I have lived with a male that was neutered at about two years of age and he did not differ in personality after neutering. He was not so miserable when my females came in season - prior to neutering him, he would quit eating whenever anyone came in season. They will also exhibit unusual behavior (such as digging out of a fenced enclosure) if a female in the neighborhood should come into season. That can make for an unhappy, skinny dog! Neutering also eliminates the fear of your beloved pet developing testicular cancer as he ages and keeps the prospect of prostate problems in the aging Pembroke to a minimum.

Spay or neuter - it's the kindest way!