
You have found the official page of the discussion lists for those interested in breeding and showing Cardigan and Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Even though the Cardigan and Pembroke are two separate breeds, we are friendly folk and decided to share a common website. Choose your favorite breed by clicking on the dragons below to find out more about each breed and for further information to subscribe to each (or both!) of the discussion lists.

CardiButtonInformation About SHOWCARDI-L

PemButtonInformation About SHOWPEM-L

Articles and posts previously published on the ShowCardi and ShowPem Lists.
If you have a question on either breed, this is the first place to look for an answer.

Corgi Rescue organizations and individuals are listed on this links page.

Other links of interest can be found here.
Pegasus Web Productions and its affiliates and the ShowPem and Show CardiLists and its affiliates and their members are not legally liable for the information content of this system nor for the use of it.
©Pegasus Web Productions 1997, 1998, 1999 All Rights Reserved webmaster@welshcorgi.com